Ukrainian Play Collection 1912-1966

Dublin Core


Ukrainian Play Collection 1912-1966


Ukrainian language plays in 1 to 5 acts


In the late 19th century a mass migration from Western Ukraine brought thousands of immigrants to North America. Most of these new arrivals settled in the northeastern part of the United States and into Manitoba and Ontario, Canada. While they hoped and worked for a better life in their new country, Ukrainians sought to preserve their culture and their language. They did this through various channels, including the arts. Simple two – and three-act plays were printed in Ukraine (sometimes called Galicia) and Poland and sold in Ukrainian-American bookshops. Plays were also produced and sold in the U.S., largely in New York City’s Lower East Side. The subjects of the plays include typical themes in Ukrainian culture- courtship, matchmaking, family dynamics, wars, the Church, and folklore. The focus of these plays are largely apolictical, instead, most likely, offering an alternative to hardships they fled and continued to endure. Amateur in nature, it is unclear if or where these plays would have been performed, perhaps at the Church or in cultural centers. A number of these plays were printed by Rulsuka Publishing House in Livi that focused on works of Ukrainian and foreign literary classics, plays, children's works, postcards and reproductions of paintings by Ukrainian artists from 1911 to 1939. An item in this collection worth noting is “Simpleton” written by Vasily Gogol Yanovsky, father of famed writer Nikolai Gogol.


Manor College Library


Manor College Library




Printed Booklets




